Day #4: Exploring Together During the Day of Open House(s)

Festival Center at Ballhaus Prinzenallee

The Saturday is wholly dedicated to the Day of Open House(s), which is being held for the first time at PAF. On Saturday, the festival center will wander to Ballhaus Prinzenallee (Wedding) and offers a place to chill out or for a starting point in order to set off to a variety of locations within the community together.

The festival center opens at 12:00 pm and, beginning at 4:00 pm, a small schedule of programming with music is offered in the rear courtyard of Ballhaus Prinzenallee and awaits everyone looking to recover their strength after excursions through the city and who want to share their experiences from the Day of Open House(s) with each other. Anyone who has taken part in the Scavenger Hunt can pick up their surprise in the festival center and let the day come to cozy end there.

The festival bar will open up today for the last time to empty the beer kegs in the garden of Ballhaus Prinzenallee and our bar host Anton Rose will coax the wildest anecdotes from the day of the festival from the visitors a final time today.


Program at Ballhaus Prinzenallee