AQUI Theater Raices

"Raíces" ("Roots") is a theater group of women with migration experience living in Berlin and the official theater ensemble of the experimental research laboratory AQUItheater Berlin, founded in 2016 by Lorena Valdenegro. Their creations combine their biography and themes, such as migration, identity, gender roles and love, from a feminist perspective. Previous productions include plays such as De-construction, Entschuldigung, Sie sind schuld, Migrierte Geschichten and MARTA. The group consists of director Lorena Valdenegro, assistant director Catalina Tello, set designer Maira Gomez, music designer Sofía Puertas and 5 actresses (Marina Cano, Sandra Feferbaum Siemsen, Alicia Morán, Sofía Puertas and Mariby Romero).

We 31.05

Spoken Word Theater


Play through the body and biography
We 31.05. 18:00
German & Spanish

Th 01.06

Spoken Word Theater


Play through the body and biography
Th 01.06. 18:00
German & Spanish