PAF Campus

As an innovative format situated between art and education, the 2021 PAF Campus invites students from Bard College Berlin, Free University of Berlin, Berlin Inter-University Center for Dance, Technical University of Berlin and Berlin University of the Arts to discover the festival, its schedule of programming and the various performance venues of the independent performing arts community together and for themselves.

PAF Campus will kick off with half-day workshops with artists from the independent performing arts community. On May 8 and 9 as well as May 15 and 16, 2021, the students can become acquainted with the working methods of artists from the various performative genres of the independent performing arts and try them out for themselves. The focus will be placed on work that has made digitalism an explicit part of its aesthetic and in which the digital is an essential part of how the work functions.

During the festival week the students will dive into the festival: Attending performances together, reflecting artistically upon the productions they have seen and encounter formats with members of the independent performing arts community provide insights into the working methods, production conditions and aesthetic discourses of Berlin’s independent performing artists.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, we are currently planning all events as online formats that will take place in both German and English. If permitted and realizable, we will offer a hybrid itinerary, partially with physical presence and partially online.

Participation at PAF Campus is only open to students who are matriculated within the cooperating courses of study at the respective institutions of higher learning. These are:

  • Liberal Arts (Bard College Berlin)
  • Theater and Dance Studies (Free University of Berlin)
  • Dance, Context, Choreography (Berlin Inter-University Center for Dance)
  • Stage Design and Scenic Space (Technical University of Berlin)
  • General Studies (Berlin University of the Arts)

The complete schedule of events for PAF Campus will be available as of April 2021 here.


Anka Belz
anka.belz [at]

Ilka Rümke
ilka.ruemke [at]

Patrick Kohn

patrick.kohn [at] 

PAF Campus during the 2021 Berlin Performing Arts Festival is organized by LAFT – Landesverband freie Darstellende Künste Berlin e. V. in cooperation with Bard College Berlin, the Free University of Berlin, the Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin, the Technical University of Berlin and the Berlin University of the Arts. The Berlin Performing Arts Festival is funded by the State of Berlin, Senate Department for Culture and Europe. The 2021 PAF Campus program is financed by the #TakePart program of Fonds Darstellende Künste using funds provided by the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.