Theater Thikwa is one of the outstanding integrative theaters in the German-speaking world. These pioneers of inclusion celebrated their 25-year anniversary in 2016. Artists with and without officially recognized disabilities create dance and spoken-word performances in which comedy meets the experimental. The foundation of this "miracle of stage" (newspaper „Der Tagesspiegel“) is the first training center in Germany where the performing and visual arts can be chosen as a profession within a workshop for the differently-abled. Theater Thikwa engages to a very large extent with the particular personalities of its ensemble members. Adequate forms for the artistic expression are sought and developed. Thikwa is in constant touch with all kind of artists. Artistic exchange is being on continuously in Germany as well as internationally by collaboration, co-producing and intercultural projects. Thikwa is also regularly invited to festivals, one-off performances, workshops and conferences throughout the world. The home base of this singular theatre company is F40 in Kreuzberg - the first completely barrier-free theatre in Berlin.


U6 Platz der Luftbrücke

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