Dandan Liu

Dandan Liu, born in Beijing in 1989, is a dramaturg for performance, political theatre and dance theatre. She is a member of the artistic direction of the Berlin Ring Theatre since 2019. Her theatre practices are currently focused on the development of multi-perspectival and multi-media narrative strategies which enable the repressed East Asian contemporary history to be researched and worked through in a performative framework. For this purpose, she uses biographical, non-fictional and digital materials from primary sources, examines them through theoretical discourses and gains from them new possibilities of history writing.

Besides the collaborations with numerous emerging artists, she works long-term with Kadir Amigo Memis, Naoko Tanaka and Ming Poon together. Her previous works have been shown, among others, at HAU, Sophiensaele Berlin, Tanzhaus NRW Düsseldorf, Theaterhaus G7 Mannheim, Esplanade Singapore and as part of the Prague Quadrennial 2019 or the annual retrospective 'Der Faust 2021'.

Fr 02.06

Fr 02.06. 10:45