RAUM+ZEIT (Hendes/Kittstein/Mikeska)

The productions of RAUM+ZEIT play with the logic of a consistent space-time continuum and the inner world of perception. They evoke an unsettling simultaneity of memory and present, fiction and reality. At the center of the action are the individual spectators: While watching, each one reaches a point where it becomes questionable whether they are just an observer or already part of the plot. The two traditionally distinct possibilities collapse into a unique and new theatrical experience.

We 31.05

In Public Space, Performance


Audiowalk for Two - With the voice of Bibiana Beglau (all day from 10 a.m.)

Th 01.06

In Public Space, Performance


Audiowalk for Two - With the voice of Bibiana Beglau (all day from 10 a.m.)

Fr 02.06

In Public Space, Performance


Audiowalk for Two - With the voice of Bibiana Beglau (all day from 10 a.m.)

Sa 03.06

In Public Space, Performance


Audiowalk for Two - With the voice of Bibiana Beglau (all day from 10 a.m.)