Bodies & Care

Physical Reflections About Wiegenlieder! on June 3, 2023

In German spoken language

When: 7:00 pm (following the performance of Wiegenlieder! at 6pm)
Location: Uferstudios (Uferstraße 23 13357 Berlin)
For: Everyone
No advance registration is required. Everyone is warmly invited to attend.
Moderated by: Miriam Beike

The format Physical Reflections is a post-performance discussion in motion: using one’s own body together with the tools of a dance-like, somatic practice, a physical point of access to the themes of the performance is created and the interplay between motherhood, class affiliation and contemporary history is explored.

The post-performance refelction is being offered in cooperation with Theaterscoutings Berlin.


Post-Performance Discussion for who cares on June 1, 2023

In German spoken language

When: 8:00 pm performance of who cares (in German spoken language)
Location: BrotfabrikBühne (Caligariplatz 1, 13086 Berlin)
For: Everyone
No advance registration is required. Everyone is warmly invited to attend.
Moderated by: Matthieu Pelletier

After the performance of who cares, the members of the audience are invited to discuss human relationships in the interplay of personal, society and financial demands. Together, we will reflect upon possibilities and impossibilities, misunderstandings and loose ends in the field of care, which has again become invisible. 

The post-performance discussion is being offered in cooperation with Theaterscoutings Berlin.
