16,50 € | 11,50 € reduced + booking fee

Who are we? What determines our identity? Is it our own self-perception and self-definition? Or is it the view of others and society’s view of ourselves? Hero is an examination of and playful exploration of the most diverse facets of a personality. Tibo Gebert starts from his own queer biography with its coming outs and transformations. He overlays it with the myth of superheroes in order to encounter split-off identities in the play on stage – a powerful reflection on becoming visible and invisible.
Event notes
The performance will also take place as part of the international meeting for figure theater and showcase "FIGURE IT OUT". Program information for the FIGURE IT OUT (June 2-11) is available at www.schaubude.berlin.
The performance is suitable for audiences aged 16 and older.
The performance includes very dark lighting scenes and intense emotional music is used.
Contact: Réka Vitályos
E-mail: sekretariat@schaubude.berlin
Phone: 030 42 34 314