"Raíces" ("Roots") is a theater group of women with migration experience living in Berlin and the official theater ensemble of the experimental research laboratory AQUItheater Berlin, founded
Markus Riexinger and the ensemble found each other through the Kulturpalast Wedding.
Clara Gracia and Felix Ahlert met 10 years ago in Berlin and discovered their shared passion for theater and circus.
Eszter Parragi, born in Dombóvár (Hungary), is a freelance dance researcher, performer and writer, and lives and works in Berlin.
Ichi Go began modern dance in 1986 in California, trained in Japan with Mieko Fuji, and has been active as a contemporary dancer in Europe and internationally since 2013.
AXL OTL is a composer. Besides his musical studies (guitar, violin and classical solfeggio) in Paris, he also studied English literature and Japanese studies.